www.wikipedia.org :

This is very popular online encyclopedia which provides updated information & related links to get on all-inclusive view of the desired search. This encyclopedia is written collaboratively by contributors . It allows users free acess to its content like free software, Presentation is clean % clear. It has many services such as a dictionary ,free textbook & manuals , quotations , news , a dictionary of species , multimedia projects & so on.

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www.encyclopedia.com :

Encyclopedia.com provides its content rich information thro' the reference took available online-dictionary, thesaurus , almanac , and more encyclopedias. It just provides the search engine & links to other online sites that reference the keyword you choose.
The site's main page has a search box & an address-book style alfabetical index. Click on any letter & you get a listing of keywords begining with that letter. Choose a keyword & you will shown a page with links to all the articles on other sites that have a reference to that keyword.

www.dictionary.com :

This site gives you the defination of a word or right synonym. It is very useful site having thesaurus & search the web facility.

www. cricinfo.com :

This site features the regular ball by ball commentary & a live score card. It also have interesting articles to read.Everything about the events in cricket world.